Calling All Heroes! This is the official Newgrounds account of the Strongstead Hills project and Calling All Heroes card game. Follow to get updates on the project and more! Account mainly run by @totally-inkish and @Thetageist :)
Joined on 7/11/23
Nebulate 2023-08-16 10:11:56
Wait. Havent i alredy done this in the CAW thread? Im willing to do this again if i must whrite the info in a dm. Im just curius.
strongstead-hills 2023-08-16 10:11:56
Can you DM it? Just so I don't have to dig for all of it. Thank you!
Wait. Havent i alredy done this in the CAW thread? Im willing to do this again if i must whrite the info in a dm. Im just curius.
Can you DM it? Just so I don't have to dig for all of it. Thank you!